
Re.LIGHT | Lights on Cultural Heritage Guided “rediscovery” of Cultural Heritage in the historic centre of Salerno
The Horizon 2020 project CLIC in collaboration with associations and companies of the Salerno area, organizes the event GentleHacking: Re.LIGHT | Cultural Heritage in Light which provides an alternative guided tour in the context of Luci d’Artista 2019/2020.

Participation of CLIC project to the Ce.S.E.T. Conference “Sviluppo sostenibile, economia circolare. Processi e metodi di valutazione
On 12 and 13 December 2019, CLIC concepts were presented at the Conference organized by the Centre for the Study of Estimation and Territorial Economics (Ce.S.E.T.) of the University of Naples Federico II. The Conference focused on sustainable development, circular economy and circular city, discussed also in her presentation by Giulia Facelli, Policy Officer, Directorate General for Research & Innovation, European Commission.

Participation of CLIC project to the UN Climate Change Conference
Within the UN Climate Change Conference, Saša Dobričič, representative of the University of Nova Gorica, was invited as speaker to the panel “A European criminal court to protect the environment and the health of citizens: a proposal to change Europe”.
![[Sviluppo sostenibile] Economia circolare e patrimonio culturale, strumenti per un riuso generativo](
[Sviluppo sostenibile] Economia circolare e patrimonio culturale, strumenti per un riuso generativo
Applicare i principi dell’economia circolare al riuso funzionale del patrimonio culturale, questo l’obiettivo del progetto […]

Heritage Innovation Partnership #4 in Salerno
The fourth HIP meeting organized by the Municipality of Salerno, in collaboration with the research institute IRISS-CNR, was structured in two days to better respond to the needs of local stakeholders.

CLIC at Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals in Delft
Between November 26 and 28, three members of the CLIC team actively contributed to the International LDE-Heritage conference “Heritage and the Sustainable Development Goals” in Delft, The Netherlands. Christian Ost and Nadia Pintossi, presented results of their researches on adaptive reuse of cultural heritage during the parallel sessions. Afterwards, Deniz Ikiz Kaya took part as a catalyst in the roundtable “Climate Change Adaptation of Cultural Heritage”. Similarly, Nadia Pintossi was a catalyst of the roundtable “Heritage and Environment”.

Best of… cultural heritage adaptive reuse: CLIC Knowledge & Information Hub
The CLIC Knowledge and Information Hub platform provides a common space for researchers and practitioners to share and exchange knowledge about cultural heritage adaptive reuse, specifically in terms of “best practice”. Furthermore, it develops a pilot function based on requirements from the cities of Salerno, Rjieka, Amsterdam and Västra Götaland Region to showcase local reuse practices and “present” the abandoned heritage as assets/opportunities for adaptive reuse investments towards the implementation of a “circular city” model. The application in the four cities/territories, representing different geographic, historic, cultural and political contexts, is replicable in any other European (and not only European) city.

Circular governance between theory and practice Laboratory of Transdisciplinarity III (LabT)| H2020 Project CLIC
CLIC’s third Transdisciplinary Laboratory (LabT) took place on 21 November 2019 in Brussels. It was organized by ICHEC Brussels Management School which is leading on work package 3 Supporting circular governance through informed decision-making. This LabT discussed circular governance at all levels starting from the global level, investigating the regional, speculating on the city and finally examining it at the building level.

Taskforce meeting
On 21 November, the 31st edition of Breakfast at Sustainability took place at the ICHEC Brussels Management School, hosting the second meeting of the Taskforce on “Circular Models for Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse in Cities and Regions”, stemmed from the CLIC project, sharing its overall objective and enlarging its scope to a wider community of innovators in cultural heritage.

CLIC & ECHOES workshop at the ILUCIDARE Playground Event
November, 20th 2019 CLIC participated to the ILUCIDARE Playground “Cracking the future of heritage”, a one-day interactive networking event organized by the H2020 Project ILUCIDARE. The workshop, addressed to heritage professionals, researchers, innovators, policy makers, activists and volunteers, engaged participants in stimulating discussions leading to concrete policy actions.