
Secondo incontro locale del progetto CLIC Horizon 2020
Comunicato sul sito del Comune di Salerno. 26/02/2019 – L’IRISS CNR e il Comune di […]

Second CLIC Heritage Innovation Partnerships in Salerno
After the first successful experience, now it’s time for the second round of CLIC Heritage […]

Laboratories of Transdiciplinarity in London
The second Laboratory of Transdisciplinarity was held on 8th February, at the University College London. CLIC partners exchanged ideas and feedbacks on the state of art of the CLIC research.

Symposium Innovative Finance for Cultural Heritage 2019
UCL hosts a symposium on innovative finance for cultural heritage in the framework of EU funded project CLIC “Circular models leveraging investments in Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse”
HIP #2 at Pakhuis de Zwijger Foundation
The main objectives of the second Heritage Innovation Partnership Meeting at Pakhuis de Zwijger Foundation […]

Heritage Innovation Partnership #2 Västra Götaland Region
A second meeting of the Heritage Innovation Partnerships (HIPs) was held as two meetings, in two locations, Forsvik and Strömsfors, on 30thand 31stJanuary 2019 with the representatives of the municipalities, local associations and enterprises in order to discuss a vision for the area in 2030 with a perspective of circularity.

CLIC LabT “Symposium on Innovative Finance for Cultural Heritage 2019”
In the framework of the CLIC EU Horizon 2020 project, UCL Institute of Finance and […]

Our heritage: where the past meets the future
Each Member State has appointed a National Coordinator to implement the year and coordinate events and projects at local, regional and national level. Key stakeholders from the cultural sector as well as civil society organisations were closely involved in the year’s activities.

XI Giornata di Studi INU INTERRUPTIONS, INTERSECTIONS, SHARINGS AND OVERLAPPINGS. New perspectives for the territory
INU Study Day is an annual scientific conference organized by the Italian Planning Institute (INU) in order to promote an international debate about the main planning issues and challenges.

CLIC Special Session at the INU Study Day
The INU Special Session on CLIC, promoted by IRISS CNR, combined many relevant topics of the conference such as regeneration processes, reuse, landscape and cultural heritage as well as policies, tools and actors. In the Special Session, the CLIC circular approach to cultural heritage adaptive reuse was discussed in terms of background, aims, challenges and possible tools: community engagement procedures, evaluation tools, financial and business models and decision support systems.