
Heritage Innovation Partnership #1 Rijeka
The second meeting on heritage Innovation Partnership process, HIP, in Rijeka was meant to use the perception mapping methodology with participating local stakeholders to assess the present situation in Rijeka in terms of ownership, knowledge of the site, perceived ongoing developments and potential desires.

Heritage Innovation Partnerships (HIPs) sessions
The process for Heritage Innovation Partnerships (HIPs) has been launched! A first local meeting in Gothenburg (19 September 2018) – organised by Västra Götaland Region and Uppsala University, ICLEI, ICHEC, – started the entire dialogues’ sessions.

Circular Business Models seminar at CNR IRISS
On Tuesday, September 18, a Seminar on Circular Business Models has been held at the CNR IRISS with Dr. Roberta De Angelis, research fellow at the University of Exeter (University of Exeter Business School).

Heritage Innovation Partnership Västra Götaland #1
Västra Götaland region held the first meeting in Gothenburg on the 19th of September, bringing together relevant stakeholders from three selected sites: Strömsfors, Forsvik and Gustavsfors.

Workshop Circular Business Models: Towards a Systematic Conceptualisation
Workshop Circular Business Models: Towards a Systematic Conceptualisation (Naples, 18 September 2018). The IRISS CNR […]

Linking past and future. Discourse of prof. Luigi Fusco Girard
Prof. Luigi Fusco Girard, CLIC Scientific Coordinator, has been invited to talk at the High-level European Parliament Conference the 26th of June 2018 “Cultural heritage in Europe: linking past and future”, on the future of European cultural heritage.

High-Level Political Forum 2018 – CLIC feeding the ICOMOS statement for inclusion of Cultural and Natural Heritage with reference to SDG 11 and other Goals
Objective #11 of the CLIC project is “to contribute to the monitoring and implementation of SDGs and the New Urban Agenda”.CLIC collaboration with ICOMOS Sustainable Development Task Force was strengthened in the preparation of a new document stating how cultural heritage contributes to the achievement of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals.

Participation of CLIC project in the AESOP Annual Congress MAKE SPACE FOR HOPE
AESOP was established in 1987 in Belgium as an international association with scientific, artistic and educational purposes and operates. With over 150 members, AESOP is the only representation of planning schools of Europe.Every year AESOP holds its Annual Congress, hosted by one of member universities.

Participation of CLIC project in the High Level European Conference Cultural Heritage in Europe: Linking Past and Future
The conference took place against the backdrop of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. The Year’s objective was to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe’s cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. To this end, cultural heritage was conceptualised as being central linking past and future of the European integration project.

Participation of CLIC project in the BE-MAT 2018 Business Event on Materials Row Materials & Circular Economy
BE-Mat 2018 was organised by the National Research Council of Italy, member of EEN (Enterprise Europe Network), with the support of the EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) Raw Material.