
CLIC Startup Competition goes online
Important announcement for innovators, startuppers and entrepreneurs taking part in the CLIC Startup Competition.

Tips for CLIC Startup Competition applicants: 10 tools to make your life easier and focus on your business
When you are an entrepreneur, it is sometimes difficult to know where to start. There is so much to put in place for your business to be successful that it’s easy to get lost in the sheer amount of data, information, and tasks at hand. Thanks to the technologies that surround us, many companies have developed applications to help us in the complicated task of entrepreneurship by facilitating processes such as communication, payments, email automations, delegation of tasks, team management, etc.

CLIC participation at 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns: Mannheim 2020
The European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns is a conference co-organised by ICLEI Europe that takes place every three years, and it is the multi-level interface between the European Union and sustainability action at local level. The conferences call for the acceleration of bottom-up action and change, to ultimately push and accelerate the ambition of global frameworks for sustainability and climate change. The 2020 edition, was co-organised by ICLEI Europe and the City of Mannheim.

Open Innovation: why, with whom, how?
The digital transformation and the arrival of start-ups are shaking up business models that have been established for years and the complexity of new consumer needs is forcing large companies (mid-cap companies and large groups) to rethink all or part of them. To meet this objective, open innovation must be essential, it is also necessary to know which levers to operate and in what order. Open innovation requires a company to adapt its own culture, its relationship with its customers…

Aperte le registrazioni alla Call internazionale della #ClicStartupCompetition
Aperte le registrazioni alla Call internazionale della #ClicStartupCompetition

CLIC participation at Open Heritage First Dialogue
Workshop organised by ICLEI Europe in the framework of the Horizon 2020 project Open Heritage. Open Heritage aims at creating sustainable models of heritage asset management. The project puts the idea of inclusive governance of cultural heritage sites together with development of heritage communities at its center. This means empowering the community in the processes of adaptive reuse. The First Dialogue aimed at exploring current policies on adaptive reuse of cultural heritage.

Progetto CLIC: al via l’indagine per la Mappatura empatica del territorio!
Progetto CLIC: al via l’indagine per la Mappatura empatica del territorio!

CLIC Startup Competition: la call internazionale per promuovere idee innovative in palio premi per startup fino a 15 mila euro
CLIC Startup Competition: la call internazionale per promuovere idee innovative in palio premi per startup […]


012 Factory – CLIC Startup Competition
012 Factory – CLIC Startup Competition