CLIC participation at WORLD HABITAT DAY (UN-HABITAT) The human-centred development strategy to face the challenges of our century

CLIC participation at WORLD HABITAT DAY (UN-HABITAT) The human-centred development strategy to face the challenges of our century

Cristina Garzillo Leemhuis, Senior Coordinator of CLIC Parner ICLEI Europe, participated in the session on the topic: “From right to city towards right to adequate housing for all” and gave a presentation on “Re-inventing historic areas: an opportunity to turn challenges into transformation”

CLIC participation at 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns: Mannheim 2020

CLIC participation at 9th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns: Mannheim 2020

The European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns is a conference co-organised by ICLEI Europe that takes place every three years, and it is the multi-level interface between the European Union and sustainability action at local level. The conferences call for the acceleration of bottom-up action and change, to ultimately push and accelerate the ambition of global frameworks for sustainability and climate change. The 2020 edition, was co-organised by ICLEI Europe and the City of Mannheim.

CLIC participation at Open Heritage First Dialogue

CLIC participation at Open Heritage First Dialogue

Workshop organised by ICLEI Europe in the framework of the Horizon 2020 project Open Heritage. Open Heritage aims at creating sustainable models of heritage asset management. The project puts the idea of inclusive governance of cultural heritage sites together with development of heritage communities at its center. This means empowering the community in the processes of adaptive reuse. The First Dialogue aimed at exploring current policies on adaptive reuse of cultural heritage.

Historic Urban Landscape Workshop 5 – Amsterdam (online)

Historic Urban Landscape Workshop 5 – Amsterdam (online)

The 5th CLIC Historic Urban Landscape workshop was held online on September 2nd, 2020. This workshop constitutes the last of a series of five events aiming at involving stakeholders to investigate the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage within the CLIC Project.

11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2020

11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2020

Gillian Foster held two presentations during the conference 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference 2020 (August […]

ACHS 2020 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies: Futures

ACHS 2020 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies: Futures

The 5th Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS) was held as a virtual conference across August and September 2020 with on-demand presentations and live Q&A and roundtable sessions. The international conference was organized by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Heritage Priority Area. The conference aimed at discussing how heritage addresses the concerns of future generations, and what futures await the critical heritage studies.

CLIC Participation at UN-Habitat World Urban Campaign COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus #3 “GUD’s Sustainable Innovation Zones/Communities and COVID-19 Resilient Recovery Strategies”

CLIC Participation at UN-Habitat World Urban Campaign COVID-19 Urban Thinkers Campus #3 “GUD’s Sustainable Innovation Zones/Communities and COVID-19 Resilient Recovery Strategies”

On July 28th 2020, Prof. Luigi Fusco Girard, CLIC Scientific Coordinator, and Antonia Gravagnuolo, CLIC Researcher from CNR-IRISS, took part in the UN-Habitat World Urban COVID-19 Campaign Urban Thinkers Campus, organized by the Global Urban Development Network.

Opening New Pathways to Impact across Heritage Research, Policy and Practice Two Half-Day Conferences: Global Challenges, Sustainability and the Politics of Heritage

Opening New Pathways to Impact across Heritage Research, Policy and Practice Two Half-Day Conferences: Global Challenges, Sustainability and the Politics of Heritage

Gillian Foster of WU was an invited speaker for the seminar entitled, Global Challenges, Sustainability and the Politics of Heritage which was part of the 2-day event developed by the AHRC Heritage Priority Area Leadership Fellowship (PALF) project at University College London in July 2020.

CLIC Participation at the webinar “L’economia circolare per un ‘nuovo’ sviluppo del mezzogiorno: il ruolo delle citta’ come ‘laboratori’ del cambiamento”

CLIC Participation at the webinar “L’economia circolare per un ‘nuovo’ sviluppo del mezzogiorno: il ruolo delle citta’ come ‘laboratori’ del cambiamento”

The objective of the meeting, organized by the Association Professors Emeriti of the University of Naples Federico II (APEF), was to discuss a new development strategy for the south of Italy starting from the recognition of the circular economy model as an effective means to fight against climate change and as a precondition for many other social objectives to be achieved (from the fight against poverty, to the reduction of inequalities, to the right to health and wellbeing ect).  To this end, it is necessary to invest according to a systemic approach, putting in relation of mutual and virtuous interdependence public investments, private investments and those of the third sector: in logistics, culture/cultural heritage and tourism, agribusiness, renewable energy, construction. 

CLIC participation at SCORAI Conference

CLIC participation at SCORAI Conference

The 2020 SCORAI International online Conference convened scholars and practitioners from around the world on the theme: Sustainable Consumption & Social Justice in an Urbanizing World. The Conference was organised by the Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts and the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.