XI Giornata di Studi INU INTERRUPTIONS, INTERSECTIONS, SHARINGS AND OVERLAPPINGS. New perspectives for the territory

XI Giornata di Studi INU INTERRUPTIONS, INTERSECTIONS, SHARINGS AND OVERLAPPINGS. New perspectives for the territory

INU Study Day is an annual scientific conference organized by the Italian Planning Institute (INU) in order to promote an international debate about the main planning issues and challenges.

CLIC Special Session at the INU Study Day

CLIC Special Session at the INU Study Day

The INU Special Session on CLIC, promoted by IRISS CNR,  combined many relevant topics of the conference such as regeneration processes, reuse, landscape and cultural heritage as well as policies, tools and actors. In the Special Session, the CLIC circular approach to cultural heritage adaptive reuse was discussed in terms of background, aims, challenges and possible tools: community engagement procedures, evaluation tools, financial and business models and decision support systems.

Participation of CLIC project in the Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage. Peer to Peer Event in Morazzone

Participation of CLIC project in the Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage. Peer to Peer Event in Morazzone

The initiative, with the participation of representatives of local and European institutions and local stakeholders, focused on the theme of cultural heritage as a resource for the territory, aimed at stimulating the regeneration of historic centers in particular through the adaptive reuse of disused or underused cultural assets, the activation of sustainable investment models and the revitalisation of the local economy etc.

Peer Review Meeting Salerno

Peer Review Meeting Salerno

The Peer Review between CLIC partner cities/regions and local stakeholders was organized within a larger CLIC event in Salerno, which included a 2-days Historic Urban Landscape workshop on 26-27 November

Historic Urban Landscape workshop Salerno

Historic Urban Landscape workshop Salerno

The HUL workshop in Salerno (Italy) was organized by the CLIC partners Comune di Salerno (SA) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). In the organization, Comune di Salerno got the local support of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IRISS CNR).

Participation of CLIC project in the 15th AHRA International Conference

Participation of CLIC project in the 15th AHRA International Conference

The conference focused on smartness and smart city in particular. The CLIC project was presented in the session “Smart Urban Heritage Management” which aimed to explore how urban heritage can be managed and maintained in a smart city.

CLIC at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage

CLIC at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage

The CLIC project has actively participated in the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage held in Brussels, the Egg, on 15-16 November 2018, launched by the European Commission and aimed at promoting EU funded research and innovation projects in the field of creative culture.

Participation of CLIC project in the international expert workshop “The science of the Smart City 2.0: Liveability, Climate Change and Circular Economic Futures”

Participation of CLIC project in the international expert workshop “The science of the Smart City 2.0: Liveability, Climate Change and Circular Economic Futures”

IRISS CNR, in collaboration with University of Naples Federico II, JADS Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, Regional Science Association, Axel and Margaret Axson Johnson Foundation and other international organizations, held on October 29-30, 2018 an international expert workshop on ‘The Science of the Smart City 2.0’, devoted to the theme of: Urban Liveability, Climate Change and Circular Economic Futures.

Participation of CLIC project in the “Cultural and creative cities for all” – Knowledge Exchange Platform workshop

Participation of CLIC project in the “Cultural and creative cities for all” – Knowledge Exchange Platform workshop

The workshop was meant to emphasize how integrating immigrants can contribute to the revitalisation of historic centres, thus highlighting the benefits of an inclusive and adaptive re-use of built heritage.

Heritage Innovation Partnership #1 Salerno

Heritage Innovation Partnership #1 Salerno

The HIPs meeting was held in Salerno on October 8th, 2018.