CLIC participation at ROCK Open Knowledge Week
The last week of October 2020, the H2020 project ROCK held its Final Conference, organised by ICLEI Europe, in cooperation with the City of Bologna and the University of Bologna. The Open Knowledge Week “Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures” gathered city officers, policy-makers, urban researchers, cultural actors and civic changemakers for a programme reflecting on can cultural heritage be the driving force behind urban sustainability. The conference offered an extensive programme with over 20 sessions, and convened over 350 participants from all over the world.
During the Conference, the ROCK Exhibition was organised, offering participants a space to learn about technological solutions developed by ROCK partners and other relevant EU-funded projects focusing on cultural heritage. CLIC hosted a virtual booth during the Open Knowledge Week where the key messages from the project was disseminated, particularly focused on the promotion of the Start-up competition.
More info and recording on: https://rockproject.eu/okw-conference-Tuesday27October