CLIC Participation at the webinar “L’economia circolare per un ‘nuovo’ sviluppo del mezzogiorno: il ruolo delle citta’ come ‘laboratori’ del cambiamento”
The objective of the meeting, organized by the Association Professors Emeriti of the University of Naples Federico II (APEF), was to discuss a new development strategy for the south of Italy starting from the recognition of the circular economy model as an effective means to fight against climate change and as a precondition for many other social objectives to be achieved (from the fight against poverty, to the reduction of inequalities, to the right to health and wellbeing ect). To this end, it is necessary to invest according to a systemic approach, putting in relation of mutual and virtuous interdependence public investments, private investments and those of the third sector: in logistics, culture/cultural heritage and tourism, agribusiness, renewable energy, construction.
Prof. Luigi Fusco Girard, CLIC Project coordinator and moderator of the round table, talked about the circular city model, focusing on cultural heritage regeneration as the entry point to the circular city. Raffaele Lupacchini, Director of Community Resources of the City of Salerno, CLIC Partner and one of the four project pilots, gave the presentation “The transition of a southern city towards the circular economy”. After an overview on Circular Economy and Circular City strategic guidelines at European level, (the Circular Economy Action Plan, the European Green Deal, the Urban Agenda for the EU etc), he reported on the elaboration of the Local Action Plan for Salerno circular city through cultural heritage adaptive reuse, focusing on the experience of the Regulation for the shared management of cultural heritage as common good, the Public Consultation for Edifici Mondo and the Circular Business Model workshop carried out in Salerno under the framework of the CLIC project.
The video of the event is available at: https://youtu.be/5tMCwwUNXlM