Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice

Project description
Project Id 3316
Project Name Simonsland, Sweden
Description Simonsland is a municipal historical building that was built in 1918. It was located in an urban city that used to be a manufacturing area and now developed into a modern city with its signature from textile heritage. The symbolic value of the building is the textile industry, and this has also influenced the symbolic of the city. Earlier its only function was being an industry which now in current use have turned into a fashion center with restaurants, conference, university, Cafe, museum and so on… Simonsland is private owned both before and after reuse. The building is funded by a private organization for-profit and as well as after the reuse. The center manages to find new uses and a new role in the society linked to the original functions, from a textile industry to a modern fashion center with multifunctional uses. The adaptive reuse was financial by PPP, Private Public Partnership.
Description of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the project Restauration of buildings is always (almost) a cooperation between private and public actors but it is unusual that a private owner takes such a importent roule in manage the transformation process.
Web links
Country Sweden
City size Intermediate cities (between 50.000-1 million people)
Characteristics of the cultural heritage building/site/landscapes
Construction period 6-Contemporary architecture
Adaptive reuse period 2000-2005
State of conservation Good conservation
Vacancy before Permanently used
Vacancy after Permanently used
Cultural significance Regional heritage|Municipal heritage|
Typologies Productive (industrial)|
Governance, management and financing
Ownership before Private
Ownership after Private
Management structure The owner is also the manager|
Managing body Public-Private Partnership|
Funding full answer Public funding (Regional)|Public funding (Municipal)|Public Foundation|Private Foundation|
Barriers and bottlenecks Regulatory (e.g. heritage regulations / authorities)|
total investment > 10.000.000 €
Uses / functions
Residential no
Cohousing no
Hotel accommodation no
BnbHostel accommodation yes
Commercial units yes
Wellness centres no
Restaurant yes
Cafe yes
Public library no
Gardens no
Education yes
Museum exhibition yes
Research yes
Cultural events yes
Theatre no
Conferences yes
Social uses no
Community Hubs yes
Incubator no
Cultural and Creative Industries hub no
Innovative startups hub no
Circular economy enterprises hub yes
Coworking spaces yes
Workshop spaces yes
Living Lab no
Fab Lab no
Creative Hub yes
Artist residencies no
Materials bank no
Repair Cafe no
Bike sharing place no
Sports facilities no
Other uses yes