Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice
Project Id | 3370 |
Project Name | Convento dell'incontro, Villa Magna, Bagno a Ripoli, Italy |
Description | The first settlement is a lombard tower, later included in a hermitage dedicated to Saint Macarius Abbot and then to Saint Mary of the encounter. In 1716 the place was donated to St. Leonard of Porto Maurizio, who restored the church and built a cells for the friars. St. Leonard wanted to create a place of prayer and retreat for the friars of Florence. During the Second World War the church was bombing and even the convent suffered serious damage. Both the church and the convent were rebuilt in 1948. Today the convent is under the protection of the MIBACT (Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali). Following the reduction in the number of friars in 1999, the property dialogue with the association Obiettivo Francesco NPO onlus. The NPO provides for the ordinary maintenance of the convent. The obiettivo Francesco NPO promotes religious activities, socio-cultural events and ceremonies, respecting the original spirit of simplicity and Franciscan spirituality. |
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