Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice

Project description
Project Id 3378
Project Name Stara trznica, Slovakia
Description The use of the historic market in the city centre of Bratislava started as a bottom-up civil initiative when a small group of professionals from different fields shared the discontent considering neglect of the historic building. When under municipality operation, the market had little revenue, as it pertained to its original mono function. The market has been closed for nearly five years when the initiative started negotiating with the local government. They aimed to develop Stara tržnica into a living urban centre with mixed-use, food markets, cultural events and venues, services with added value for the citizens as well as visitors of the city while being financially independent of the City of Bratislava budget. Since then, the market has a varied program adjusted with the city vibe and acts as a catalyst for the improvement of surrounding urban areas.
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