Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice
Project Id | 3727 |
Project Name | Fabbrica delle E/Binaria, Italy |
Description | The "Fabbrica delle E" was a former industrial shed that until the mid-1970s housed the Cimat company (Costruzioni Italiane Macchine Attrezzi Torino), part of the Fiat group. 250/5000 Since 2002 it has become the official headquarters of the Abele Group association, it is home to a library open to the public and often hosts events and meetings organized by organizations and associations. The halls of the Center have been called "workshops" or "shops". The venue expanded in 2016 with the opening of the Binaria Center which houses a bookstore, a play area for children, a shop and a pizzeria. The internal structures, the large spaces, the restored and colored bridge cranes, the names of its conference rooms, all called "workshops" or "shops" recall the origin of the structure. |
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