Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice
Project Id | 4014 |
Project Name | Adopt a terrace in the Brenta River Valley, Italy |
Description | The Brenta River Valley is a narrow valley in the northwestern part of Veneto, in the Province of Vicenza. The territorial development of the valley is characterized by the diffusion of the tobacco cultivation, starting from the XVIII century under the Republic of Venice. Tobacco-growing spread in the valley assuming the role of monoculture and brought the inhabitants to build extensive systems of agricultural terraces on the slopes (estimated total area 350 Ha, length 230 Km). Tobacco cultivation remained the main occupation of the inhabitants for two centuries, while the terraces grew steadily. After the Second World War the production of tobacco collapsed, the number of farms dropped (by 90% in the Municipality of Valstagna), leading to a rapid abandonment of the terraced areas, leaving extensive stone structures on the slopes. In the last decades research projects were developed starting a new use of this heritage, linked to tourism and family farming. |
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