Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice

Project description
Project Id 4019
Project Name Adega Cooperativa Da Ventosa, Portugal
Description Rehabilitation of old IVV, with the installation of a new vinification center and acquisition of some equipment for the current facilities of the cooperative. The Cooperativa's corporate purpose is the collection, concentration, transformation, conservation, storage and marketing of goods and products from the farms of its members. The Cooperative is a cooperative of the agricultural sector of the cooperative sector, in accordance with the legislation in force, in particular under the terms of article 2 b) of DL n 335/99 of August 20.
Description of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the project Improved place attachment and local identity, retaining of social and cultural values Inclusion of marginalized groups including low income groups and migrants Adega Cooperativa Da Ventosa heritage was abandoned, vandalized and partly destroyed, which after the intervention serves the people, serves the territory and with new features. About 50% of the wine heritage might have been lost if the cooperative wineries did not pick up on the small winemakers' heritage and vinificate. Efficient use of natural resources. The technical accompaniment that it provides to its members, and which has recently also been planted in new vineyards, having in recent years restructured about 70% of its area of ??influence. It has focused on improving the commercialization of its products and its environmental image. In this regard, it should be noted that the training given to its members in relation to the application of plant protection products and the construction of treatment plant residual water
Web links website not provided
Country Portugal
City size Intermediate cities (between 50.000-1 million people)
Characteristics of the cultural heritage building/site/landscapes
Construction period 5-Modern architecture
Adaptive reuse period 2011-2015
State of conservation Medium conservation
Vacancy before Permanently used
Vacancy after Permanently used
Cultural significance Informally recognized by the local community|Not listed|
Typologies Productive (eg. craft, food)|Commercial |
Governance, management and financing
Ownership before Other
Ownership after Other
Management structure The owner is also the manager|
Managing body Public-Private Partnership|
Funding full answer Public Foundation|Private Foundation|
Barriers and bottlenecks None|
total investment 500.000 – 1.000.000 €
Uses / functions
Residential no
Cohousing no
Hotel accommodation yes
BnbHostel accommodation no
Commercial units yes
Wellness centres no
Restaurant no
Cafe no
Public library no
Gardens no
Education no
Museum exhibition yes
Research no
Cultural events no
Theatre no
Conferences no
Social uses no
Community Hubs no
Incubator no
Cultural and Creative Industries hub yes
Innovative startups hub no
Circular economy enterprises hub no
Coworking spaces no
Workshop spaces no
Living Lab no
Fab Lab no
Creative Hub no
Artist residencies no
Materials bank yes
Repair Cafe no
Bike sharing place no
Sports facilities no
Other uses no