Survey on Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse practice

Project description
Project Id 4025
Project Name Spazio Kor, Italy
Description Spazio KOR returns to the city a closed, old, deconsecrated baroque church and transformed it in open, restored, multidisciplinary performing space. The church, after many non-religious uses, was converted into a fully equipped theatre in 2011 and since 2016 is managed by our organization, CRAFT Association. Using innovative theatre and contemporary art, the cultural project, called Spazio Kor, aims to involve the community into a cultural experience and an audience engagement approach. The theatre season is composed by 30 shows per year, 100 events, everyday opening, 1500 spectators and more than 15.000 people entering the Space since the opening.
Description of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the project
Web links
Country Italy
City size Intermediate cities (between 50.000-1 million people)
Characteristics of the cultural heritage building/site/landscapes
Construction period 2-Renaissance
Adaptive reuse period >2016
State of conservation Bad conservation
Vacancy before Temporarily used
Vacancy after Permanently used
Cultural significance Regional heritage|
Typologies Civil (eg. municipal house, hospital)|
Governance, management and financing
Ownership before Public
Ownership after Public
Management structure Use concession for a number of years (out of charge)|
Managing body Private non-profit|
Funding full answer Public funding (EU)|Public funding (Regional)|Private Foundation|
Barriers and bottlenecks Economic – financial|Physical (e.g. accessibility, morphology, structure)|
total investment 100.000 – 500.000 €
Uses / functions
Residential no
Cohousing no
Hotel accommodation no
BnbHostel accommodation no
Commercial units no
Wellness centres no
Restaurant no
Cafe no
Public library no
Gardens no
Education yes
Museum exhibition yes
Research yes
Cultural events yes
Theatre yes
Conferences yes
Social uses yes
Community Hubs no
Incubator no
Cultural and Creative Industries hub yes
Innovative startups hub no
Circular economy enterprises hub no
Coworking spaces yes
Workshop spaces yes
Living Lab no
Fab Lab no
Creative Hub no
Artist residencies no
Materials bank no
Repair Cafe no
Bike sharing place no
Sports facilities no
Other uses yes