Description |
Pfefferwerk AG is a small joint stock company which, for many years, has been responsible for the cultural activities that take place in and around an area in the centre of Berlin called “Pfefferberg”. Our company acts as a project developer, as well as a coaching and management service company. The “Pfefferwerk Network” is a combination of legally independent, nonprofit and profitable organizations in the Berlin area called “Pankow”, who act on different levels and in different fields for common aims and strategies. Their main target is to strengthen the local community and particularly to promote social cohesion in a sustainable manner. They act all over the town in the fields of vocational training, youth and child welfare, cultural and social promotion, as well as all other kinds of services. |
Description of the economic, social and environmental impacts of the project |
Pfefferwerk is an adaptive reuse which has realized a self-sustainable model of management, preserving cultural heritage, creating jobs and providing spaces and a rich cultural offer for the local community. The buildings have been renovated since more than twenty years through private investment. The entire area is managed by the Foundation Pfefferwerk. Revenue sources are related to the renting of spaces, which are well maintained also through a 'common' fund dedicated to ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of buildings and open spaces. It is a "central" place in the neighbourhood, where citizens find cultural activities, restaurants, exhibitions. There is a hostel for tourists accommodation and many artists' laboratories. As non-profit organization oriented to social wellbeing, Pfefferwerk reinvestes all 'profits' to fund additional cultural activities / organizations in the local area, generating virtuous 'circles' of value creation and value sharing. |