Heritage Innovation Partnership #1 Rijeka

The second meeting on heritage Innovation Partnership process, HIP, in Rijeka was meant to use the perception mapping methodology with participating local stakeholders to assess the present situation in Rijeka in terms of ownership, knowledge of the site, perceived ongoing developments and potential desires. This meeting was of particular importance also to get acquainted to the site, considering that UNG is a Slovene local partner of a Croatian city, fact that in reality creates potential obstacles in managing the activities and the direct relationship with stakeholders and local actors.

The main objectives of the second HIP were:

  1. To start up a participatory process in the city of Rijeka regarding urban regeneration and circular models for adaptive reuse in Historic Urban Landscapes and cultural heritage;
  2. To collect information about the present initiatives and future plans, joining the experiences and expectations of participants;
  3. To discuss the expectations of the HIP process with all participants, with regards to the coming steps and the expected final result of the CLIC project in Rijeka;
  4. To offer a new platform of discussion and participation to the city of Rijeka to improve the quality of adaptive reuse interventions in the city centre and the peripheral enlarged area of the city;
  5. To ensure that all stakeholders understand the wider thematic and geographical framework of CLIC and circular economy;
  6. To ensure that all stakeholders understand the benefits of their participation to the process, as well as find this platform as an opportunity to advance in participatory planning and match the citizens and stakeholders expectations in line with circular economy and sustainability;
  7. To identify a “common language” and a common perspective in the area;
  8. To engage stakeholders according to their interest, expertise and background in the theme of the meeting;
  9. To identify barriers and bottlenecks in all case studies and in the meso area;
  10. To identify threats, challenges, needs and opportunities of all case studies.

Specific objectives of the HIP 2:

  1. Implementing a landscape perception mapping based on senses in the city of Rijeka, with the perspective of partially assessing the HUL approach to the city;
  2. Facilitating the process by learning from the previously implemented survey (Ziwei Wang, intern at ICHEC, did the mapping prior the HIP with similar questions);
  3. Engaging all participants and giving them an opportunity to express their concerns and share their ideas;
  4. Preparing the stakeholders for the coming meeting, as well as defining a potential group of complementary stakeholders for the coming HIPs;
  5. Generating a basis for the HUL meetings;
  6. Building the basis for a governance model for adaptive reuse in Rijeka in line with a new sustainable plan of the city, based on a participatory approach and the principle of circularity.

Download CLIC Project presentations