Heritage Innovation Partnership #1 Salerno

The HIPs meeting was held in Salerno on October 8th, 2018, with the aims of:

  1. presenting the CLIC project: objectives, approach, methodology, expected results
  2. presenting the HIPs process: objectives, approach, steps, roles and responsibility, expected results
  3. presenting the stakeholder organizations: their mission, experience and expertise, their point of view regarding the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage in Salerno, highlighting strengths and barriers in their experience
  4. mapping cultural heritage resources through a collaborative effort: a questionnaire has been designed by IRISS CNR and proposed to stakeholders to map the reused cultural heritage in Salerno, as well as the underused and abandoned cultural heritage, highlighting strengths and barriers of the adaptive reuse at local level: https://it.surveymonkey.com/r/CLICsurveySA
  5. assess the perceptions of stakeholders on the historic center of Salerno (the meso area) and its tangible and intangible cultural heritage, through the five senses – the perceptions mapping was designed and implemented by ICHEC with the support of IRISS CNR and SA.

Download CLIC Project presentations:

Videos related to the HIP hosted by the Municipality of Salerno are available at the following URLs (audio in Italian):