HIP Peer Review virtual workshop Amsterdam

Due to the impossibility of celebrating the HIP Peer Review as a face-to-face meeting in Amsterdam as originally planned because of Covid-19 Outbreak, the exercise was transformed into a virtual workshop organized by ICLEI Europe. The purpose of the workshop was to jointly look back and reflect on the HIP process in each of the four pilot areas. The input from the participants during the workshop (key messages, learnings, recommendations…) will directly inform the ICLEI publication City Leaders Guidebook for leveraging the potentials of Cultural Heritage in European Cities (Deliverable 5.2) to be completed by the end of the project.

The meeting was moderated by Ane Izulain and Allison Wildman, representing ICLEI Europe and gathered representatives of the local and academic partners of the four pilot areas. The virtual workshop included several activities, including:

1) Where are we? HIP Process and LAPs update,

2) Looking back (Part 1): Local HIP Process Assessment and

3) Looking back (Part 2): HIP Process Reflection Roundtable

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