CLIC Kick off meeting in Naples
The three years European project “CLIC – Circular models Leveraging Investments in Cultural heritage adaptive reuse” – started on 1st December 2017 and funded by Horizon2020 program, Call“Innovative financing, business and governance models for adaptive re-use of cultural heritage ” – has been officially presented in Naples (Italy) at CNR-IRISS on 28th and 29th January 2018 by the Project Coordinator.
The international meeting has been divided into a public session – opened to European and local institutions, civil society, entrepreneurs, stakeholders, experts in conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage – and a private working session among the 15 project partners (research centres, universities, businesses, cultural foundations, cities and regions) coming from 10 different European countries.
The public session has been aimed at presenting the project goals, approaches, expected results and relevance for the territories involved, as Alfonso Morvillo (CNR-IRISS Director) has highlighted by opening the debate.
The scientific debate has been focused on CLIC keywords – circular economy, circular city/territory model and adaptive reuse of cultural heritage – related to the project objectives.
Each partner has presented his own expertise and specific role in the project in order to integrate the different approaches of the disciplines involved. All partners have also presented “best” and “worst” examples of cultural heritage adaptive reuse, starting to discuss about a list of criteria for selecting practices.
During the working sessions, multi-disciplinary CLIC team hashighlighted the impacts of cultural heritage adaptive reuse in a circular economy perspective for cities and territories, in terms of regeneration and management of historic urban landscape, attractiveness for capitals and investments, improvement of cultural initiatives and job creation. These goals are strongly linked with the initiative of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, promoted by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe.