Participation of CLIC project in the AESOP Annual Congress MAKE SPACE FOR HOPE

AESOP was established in 1987 in Belgium as an international association with scientific, artistic and educational purposes and operates. With over 150 members, AESOP is the only representation of planning schools of Europe.

Every year AESOP holds its Annual Congress, hosted by one of member universities.

Congresses are a wide platform of exchange in the fields of research, education and practice in planning. They usually run around 20 thematic tracks and host outstanding invited speakers.

The event aimed at offering the opportunity for scholars from Europe, as well as from around the world, to contribute to the exchange of experiences, ideas and knowledge regarding planning in the 21st century, in particular in relation to the congress theme. In 2018, MAKING SPACE FOR HOPE was the theme.

CLIC Project presentations: