Participation of CLIC project to the Ce.S.E.T. Conference “Sviluppo sostenibile, economia circolare. Processi e metodi di valutazione
On 12 and 13 December 2019, CLIC concepts were presented at the Conference organized by the Centre for the Study of Estimation and Territorial Economics (Ce.S.E.T.) of the University of Naples Federico II. The Conference focused on sustainable development, circular economy and circular city, discussed also in her presentation by Giulia Facelli, Policy Officer, Directorate General for Research & Innovation, European Commission.
Researchers from IRISS CNR actively participated to the debate.
List of presentations:
- Sostenibilità e circolarità nelle città metropolitane portuali – Luigi Fusco Girard (IRISS CNR)
- A methodological framework to evaluate the multidimensional impacts of cultural heritage adaptive reuse in the perspective of the circular economy – Antonia Gravagnuolo (IRISS CNR), Mariarosaria Angrisano (Università Telematica Pegaso)
- The implementation of the circular city model in the Italian context: the landscape approach – Pasquale De Toro (DiARC) Luigi Fusco Girard (IRISS CNR), Francesca Nocca (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Viktoriya Voysekhovska (Lviv Polytechnic National University)
- Strutture ricettive e dinamiche del mercato immobiliare nel Centro Storico di Napoli – Martina Bosone (IRISS CNR), Pasquale De Toro (DiARC), Silvia Iodice (IRISS CNR).