Participation of CLIC project to the International Conference “Adaptive Re-use and Integrated Management of Disused Religious Cultural Heritage”

Prof. Christian Ost, from ICHEC Brussels Management School, participated via skype to the International Conference on “Adaptive Re-use and Integrated Management of Disused Religious Cultural Heritage”, organized and hosted by IRISS CNR. The Conference intended to analyze the tangible and intangible values of religious cultural heritage, as well as the characteristics of the impacts determined by the proposals for the functional reuse of different types of disused assets (e.g. churches, monasteries, abbeys), searching – in a perspective as much as possible participated with the local community (e.g. Civil Society Associations, Ecclesial Associations and Movements, Volunteer Groups) – the uses more consistent with the “intrinsic value” of the heritage itself (i.e. with the spiritual, religious, symbolic values it expresses).
