Participation of CLIC project to the Open Living Lab Days “Co-creating innovation: scaling up from Local to Global”
Open LivingLab Days (OLLD) is the annual gathering of the global Living Lab community. This year it takes place from 3 to 5 September 2019 at the Concert Hall M2 in Thessaloniki (Greece). OLLDDays is a unique 3-day long event bringing together researchers, public authorities, companies and Living Lab practitioners.
Prof. Luigi Fusco Girard and Antonia Gravagnuolo, representatives of IRISS CNR, were invited to the ‘Scaling-up Urban Challenges Session’ co-organised by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation and the European Commission Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises.
They contributed to discuss and comment the chapters of the European Commission High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) Report ‘The human-centred city: opportunities for citizens through Research & Innovation’. The Report was meant to support the European Commission on how to formulate its future strategies on research and innovation on innovating cities, particularly in view of the Framework Programme for Research & Innovation Horizon Europe and the Mission on “Climate Neutral and Smart Cities”.