Participation of CLIC project in the Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage. Peer to Peer Event in Morazzone
The initiative, with the participation of representatives of local and European institutions and local stakeholders, focused on the theme of cultural heritage as a resource for the territory, aimed at stimulating the regeneration of historic centers in particular through the adaptive reuse of disused or underused cultural assets, the activation of sustainable investment models and the revitalisation of the local economy etc.

Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage Peer-to-peer Event
Friday, December 7, the City of Morazzone, in the province of Varese (Italy), will host the Peer-to-peer Event Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage.

Participation of CLIC project in the 15th AHRA International Conference
The conference focused on smartness and smart city in particular. The CLIC project was presented in the session “Smart Urban Heritage Management” which aimed to explore how urban heritage can be managed and maintained in a smart city.

Survey on best practices on the adaptive reuse
Within the CLIC project, WP1 deals with identifying the best practices on the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage. For this reason, a survey platform is developed and launched by TU/e with the help of Facility Live and CNR-IRISS. This first level survey aims to enable European Cities to supply their best practices and their necessary associated data.

Circular Business Models seminar at CNR IRISS
On Tuesday, September 18, a Seminar on Circular Business Models has been held at the CNR IRISS with Dr. Roberta De Angelis, research fellow at the University of Exeter (University of Exeter Business School).

Linking past and future. Discourse of prof. Luigi Fusco Girard
Prof. Luigi Fusco Girard, CLIC Scientific Coordinator, has been invited to talk at the High-level European Parliament Conference the 26th of June 2018 “Cultural heritage in Europe: linking past and future”, on the future of European cultural heritage.