Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage Peer-to-peer Event

Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage Peer-to-peer Event

Friday, December 7, the City of Morazzone, in the province of Varese (Italy), will host the  Peer-to-peer Event Knowledge Exchange Platform on Cultural Heritage.

#EuropeForCulture conference: closing of the European Year of Cultural Heritage

#EuropeForCulture conference: closing of the European Year of Cultural Heritage

On 6 and 7 December, heritage professionals and policy makers will meet in Vienna to close the programme of the year. The #EuropeForCulture event will include discussions of past activities, but it will mainly look forward to strategies for cementing the year’s achievements.

Participation of CLIC project in the 15th AHRA International Conference

Participation of CLIC project in the 15th AHRA International Conference

The conference focused on smartness and smart city in particular. The CLIC project was presented in the session “Smart Urban Heritage Management” which aimed to explore how urban heritage can be managed and maintained in a smart city.

CLIC at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage

CLIC at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage

The CLIC project has actively participated in the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage held in Brussels, the Egg, on 15-16 November 2018, launched by the European Commission and aimed at promoting EU funded research and innovation projects in the field of creative culture.

Fair of European Innovators in Cultural  Heritage

Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage

Organised by the European Commission as a key event of 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage, the “Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage” will take place on 15-16 November 2018 in Brussels.

Survey on best practices on the adaptive reuse

Survey on best practices on the adaptive reuse

Within the CLIC project, WP1 deals with identifying the best practices on the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage. For this reason, a survey platform is developed and launched by TU/e with the help of Facility Live and CNR-IRISS. This first level survey aims to enable European Cities to supply their best practices and their necessary associated data.

Circular Business Models seminar at CNR IRISS

Circular Business Models seminar at CNR IRISS

On Tuesday, September 18, a Seminar on Circular Business Models has been held at the CNR IRISS with Dr. Roberta De Angelis, research fellow at the University of Exeter (University of Exeter Business School).

Linking past and future. Discourse of prof. Luigi Fusco Girard

Linking past and future. Discourse of prof. Luigi Fusco Girard

Prof. Luigi Fusco Girard, CLIC Scientific Coordinator, has been invited to talk at the High-level European Parliament Conference the 26th of June 2018 “Cultural heritage in Europe: linking past and future”, on the future of European cultural heritage.

Participation of CLIC project in the High Level European Conference Cultural Heritage in Europe: Linking Past and Future

Participation of CLIC project in the High Level European Conference Cultural Heritage in Europe: Linking Past and Future

The conference took place against the backdrop of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. The Year’s objective was to encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe’s cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space. To this end, cultural heritage was conceptualised as being central linking past and future of the European integration project.

Cultural heritage in Europe: linking past and future

Cultural heritage in Europe: linking past and future

Prof. Luigi Fusco Girard, CLIC Scientific Coordinator,  will take part as keynote speaker in the high-level EU Parliament Conference “Cultural heritage in Europe: linking past and future” on 26th June.