European Regional Climate Heritage Forum – Putting Cultural Heritage at the Centre of the European Green Deal: A Preview of the European Heritage Green Paper

European Regional Climate Heritage Forum – Putting Cultural Heritage at the Centre of the European Green Deal: A Preview of the European Heritage Green Paper

Climate change is one of the most significant threats to people and their cultural heritage worldwide. The European Green Deal (EGD) is one of the planet’s most ambitious plans to tackle it, which is why cultural heritage needs the EGD to succeed. Cultural heritage offers immense potential to drive climate action and support a just transition to a low carbon, climate resilient future, which is why the European Green Deal needs cultural heritage to succeed.

European Quality principles for EU-funded interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage

European Quality principles for EU-funded interventions with potential impact upon Cultural Heritage

A key result of CLIC collaboration with the ICOMOS is represented by the publication of […]

High-Level Political Forum 2018 – CLIC feeding the ICOMOS statement for inclusion of Cultural and Natural Heritage with reference to SDG 11 and other Goals

High-Level Political Forum 2018 – CLIC feeding the ICOMOS statement for inclusion of Cultural and Natural Heritage with reference to SDG 11 and other Goals

Objective #11 of the CLIC project is “to contribute to the monitoring and implementation of SDGs and the New Urban Agenda”.CLIC collaboration with ICOMOS Sustainable Development Task Force was strengthened in the preparation of a new document stating how cultural heritage contributes to the achievement of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals.